A never ending War……. That is very well what the “War on Drugs” has resulted into. A war with no ending. Additionally, there has been no victory for either side of the key players in the supply or the control of the cocaine trade.There have been people for and against the fight against drugs and even with the results we have today, both sides are silent. This silence reflects that both sides are at a loss.

Fast forward today, and the reign of Cocaine continues, however, at a greater cost than the original days of its introduction into society. What exactly is the cost being referred to here? Well, throughout the War on Drugs all the fighting and attempt to undermind peoples free will has resulted in Cocaine being adulterated with various foreign substance in order to increase its addictiveness and to supplement the scaricity (due to constant suppression of the cocaine trail and its distribution) of cocaine derived from cocoa leaves.

One specific substance being used during the process and production of Coacaine is FENTANYL. This substance is responsible for a multitude of lives being loss due to Cocaine use under the assumption it is not laced with deadly by products such as FENTANYL. That death toll is on the rise in America and other countries that have no type of regulation that monitors narcotic purity.

As a result, these occurrences bring to life the very focal point of “Make Cocaine Great Again. At the on set of the Cocaine Trade, not only was Cocaine an Economical Power House for producers, distributors, and Street Pushers it was in its purest form. Now, not saying individuals who used, never Overdosed, but this is where regulation should have came to light, and not “The War On Drugs”.

Nevertheless, the control of power, and the greed for money. Has resulted, in the diluted trash of a drug trade that is killing users by the thousands is what we see in society today.

However, there are those who are an exception to the rule. Countries like Portugal, Colombia, and states such as Oregon have all dicriminalized Cocaine to an extent. As a result, it would be fair to say just as Marijuana is on a trail to legalization, soon Cocaine will be heading in that direction as well.

Therefore, “Make Cocaine Great Again”. Purity, regulation, and dicriminaliztion would take the strain off of producers and regulation could verify products being used by society as safe for individual consumption. 

Published By: Rich Mengel



Tax payer money gobbled up and dealer money confisacated time and time again, and the system in place has only resulted in a continuous drug trade that is now produceced with death as an ingredient.

“Make Cocaine Great Again”. Regulation equals purity and Billions of dollars for the World Economy. What makes this ideaology work, is that it would be at the discretion of the masses and not due to those few who want control.




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